Adding a picture does more than make your post look good. When done correctly (and we are going to tell you how to do it correctly!), it can re-emphasize to Google what your page is about. And that’s a good thing.
Before you do anything, make sure the pictures are titled something internet friendly, with a keyword or two, and no spaces.
The following assumes that you are in the ‘edit’ mode of a post:
- Put your cursor back to the beginning of the post. At the very top of the post section, you’ll see the words “Upload/Insert”. Click on the first icon -the one that is a frame (for picture). An “Add an Image” box will pop up.
- Choose the tab where your pictures are – From your computer, from URL (online), or from the Media Library (if you’ve uploaded it already).
- Select the picture you want. After it ‘crunches’, some information will appear.
- In the alternative text box, type in a short keyword rich description of what the picture is. This field is what is read to a visually impaired person to tell them what the picture is about, but it also tells Google the same thing. If you want a caption, put it in the next box. Keep it short. You can leave the description blank.
- Choose alignment and size. I almost always use right and medium.
- Click “insert into post”. The box will close. (If you click “Save all changes” by accident, the box won’t close. Click on “Show” and go back and click “Insert into post”.)