Reviews for your business are important for multiple reasons –helping you rank higher in online searches, being able to interact with existing and potential customers and more. We recommend that our clients ask for and respond to reviews with every transaction. As a consumer, you likely look at reviews as well. Recently Facebook changed the way that you can post and read reviews and now recommend businesses.

What Does This Mean For You? During the past few months you may have noticed “recommendations” showing up on your Facebook page instead of reviews. All reviews that were previously posted on a Facebook page will remain however going forward recommendations will take the place of the reviews. Recommendations allow the user to tag certain features of a business, such as “fast delivery, child friendly, or indoor dining”. There are no star ratings with recommendations but in addition to a comment, the author can also add a photo which creates higher user engagement.
What’s Next? If you already have the reviews tab on your Facebook page then there’s no need to do anything except monitor and respond to any reviews, negative or positive, that your business receives. Keep in mind,if your business is mentioned or recommended in a page or group, this will show up your business page as well. If you’re not currently utilizing reviews we highly “recommend” you go into your Facebook settings and activate this tab.
If you’re not currently utilizing reviews we highly “recommend” you go into your Facebook settings and activate this tab.
As always, we’re staying on top on the ever changing online world to help keep you up to date. Questions? Call or email us today and we’re happy to help you untangle the web of Facebook reviews and more!